I write to deplore the Special Needs ‘cottage industry’ which currently blights our schools, together with the army of paraprofessionals...

Toxic Teen Apologists
Read the full article here
Grant me Chastity, but not yet.
Hearing St Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians at Sunday Mass set me reflecting on Quentin de la Bedoyere’s amusing adieu to Catholic prudery...
Many-Headed Hydra
The prospect of Citizen Corbyn attaining political office is indeed alarming (Jeremy Corbyn must be stopped, Telegraph View August 22). ...
Our Cilla
Viewing Cilla Black’s obsequies on television, I felt all the detachment of an anthropologist watching the Bushmen of the Kalahari. Not...
All Together Now!
Congratulations to the Daily Mail’s Damian Thompson for bucking the current trend and daring to critique the BBC’s toe-curlingly dreadful...
Last Rites for TV Vicars
Damian Thompson’s reading of the last rites for TV Vicars (Daily Mail August 20) prompts me to point out that Ecclesiastical Eccentricity...
A Winning Formula
The current craze for adult colouring-in and painting-by-numbers has left many people bemused (certainly puts a whole new complexion on...